Congratulations to all of the English students who completed Cycle III-2012! We had a great end of cycle celebration. Here are some of the pieces that our student presented.
This is the video that the Basic B students made on mining in El Salvador:
This is the piece that our conversational student wrote to share at the End of Cycle Celebration.
El Salvador we live, El
Salvador I love
Yes. This is America, I mean, El
Salvador in America. The America
conquered by the Spaniards years and
years ago. El Salvador in America. The America plundered by Europe, or El
Salvador the U.S. colony for years. El Salvador of few rich and many
poor, with a long history of murder, bribe, corruption, violence, and
There was a time when El Salvador
was different. It was before the big landowners took our ancestors’ land by
creating laws that benefited their greedy interests. Such event underlined the
beginning of an oppressive system; it was the destruction of our way of living.
That is El Salvador, dear people.
El Salvador, suffering from a 12 years’ war. War forced by the people with political
and economic power. Once again, a period of bloodshed, torture, robbery,
violence against the poor, against the campesinos, against the working class. A
period when the official documents registered between 75,000 – 80,000 lost
lives either by assassination or disappearance. A period when the bourgeoisie
was able to commit crime against our most beloved pastor. The voice of the
voiceless, Monsignor Romero along with many others who worked for social
Yes, this is our country, people.
The country where we do work for the value of our currency, but we are paid by
the value of Mr. Dollar which is not fair. The country signing a Free Trade Agreement.
Free for whom, I wonder.
But Friends, this is El Salvador.
El Salvador, with a great population of working, welcoming, warming, hopeful,
faithful people.
Listen to how wonderful our
country is with such characteristics. Adding one more. We are all young people,
young in age and hearts, and young people have the energy, courage, and
definitely the power to change the history of suffering and oppression against
the poor. To change that privileged life
of few.
Have you seen? The privileged
have always been a few, and the working class, the majority. Why don’t we do
something to change it? We should be able to see the light on the road. Let’s
make it shine for everyone in our country.
Let’s show how much we love this
beautiful country, our people, ourselves.
Let’s build a new, peaceful, fair
and wonderful country!
If we don’t, who will do it for
Let’s make it together!
Nora Reynado